Under Construction / En Construcción

Hello! Our website is under construction at the moment. You may experience some interruptions while our project team is at work. Thanks for your patience and support.


¡Hola! Nuestro sitio web se encuentra en construcción en este momento. Es posible que experimente algunas interrupciones mientras nuestro equipo del proyecto está trabajando. Gracias por su paciencia y apoyo.

Invisible No More

Celebrating Mesoamerican Languages and Communities in Diaspora in Oregon

Community Oral Histories

[ Need to add a blurb about community oral histories ]

Interviews with Community Members

Juan Pérez

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[ need to add interview summer that is 100 characters max ]


[ need to add interview summer that is 100 characters max ]


[ need to add interview summer that is 100 characters max ]


[ need to add interview summer that is 100 characters max ]


[ need to add interview summer that is 100 characters max ]


[ need to add interview summer that is 100 characters max ]